Country Information


The following goods may be imported into Costa Rica without incurring customs duty: • 400 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 500g tobacco.
• 3L of alcoholic beverages (travellers aged over 18 only).
• Goods to the value of US$500.

Prohibited Imports

Food items are generally not allowed to be brought into Costa Rica, in particular fruit, vegetables, dairy products, seeds and plants. Firearms are not permitted.

Prohibited Exports

It is forbidden under the CITES treaty (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) to remove orchids from Costa Rica, or indeed any wild flora and fauna. Removing animals, dead or alive, is also forbidden, and be very careful when buying carvings or antiques in Costa Rica. Most probably you’ll get freshly handcrafted art, but removing Aztec, Incan or Mayan cultural artefacts from the country is thoroughly illegal, and happens far too often.